Many children in Europe show need for educational motor support in the subject-specific learning objectives of physical education

The learning objectives of the curricula in physical education at primary level include the development of basic motor competencies. Children need these competencies in order to actively participate in sports inside and outside of school and to learn more complex movement sequences and techniques. The need for educational motor support in basic motor competencies should therefore be identified at an early stage in order to be able to support the children appropriately.

As part of the Erasmus+ funded project “Basic Motor Competencies in Europe – Assessment and Promotion” (BMC-EU), basic motor competencies of 1721 8- to 10-year-old primary school children from 9 European were assessed using the MOBAK-3-4 (Herrmann, 2018). The test comprises a total of eight motor tasks in the competence areas of object movement (bouncing, dribbling, throwing, catching) and self-movement (rolling, balancing, jumping, running).

The results showed that on average more than 25% of the children need educational motor support in the competence area object movement and more than 20% in the competence area self-movement. In some samples, the values were even above 60% (object movement) or 70% (self-movement). These numbers are alarming, as they indicate that these children do not meet some basic objectives of physical education and are at risk of not being able to participate in various sports activities in an age-appropriate way and to develop an active lifestyle.

Details about these and other findings can be found in the Journal for Primary Education Research:

1st meeting of the ad hoc committee “Diagnostics: Moving in water” in Mainz

The aim of the ad-hoc committee of the German Association for Sports Science (dvs) is the conception and development of a test instrument for the assessment of the basic motor comptetencies of children in the context of swimming learning.Based on the existing MOBAK test instruments for the competencies of “Self movement” and “Object movement”, a test instrument for the competencies of “Moving in Water” is now to be developed. The meeting on 1 November 2018 at the University of Mainz served to formulate test items which are to be validated within the framework of a pilot study.

The following persons were involved in the meeting (from left to right): Christian Herrmann (University of Basel), Axel Dietrich (German Swimming Association), Detlef Beise (University of Leipzig), Nadine Strifler (University of Heidelberg), Fabio Capraro (University of Basel), Robert Collette (University of Mainz) and Christophe Schnitzler (University of Strasbourg, not on the picture).

Media releases about visit in Chile

Several institutes and newspapers wrote about the visit of Dr. Christian Herrmann and Prof. Dr. Erin Gerlach at the University of La Frontera in Temuco, Chile.

The following article was published on the website of the University of La Frontera on April 27, 2018:

European academics visited UFRO for validation of a testing instrument to evaluate basic motor competencies in PE-class

The MOBAK-testing instruments are based on the basic motor competencies of schoolchildren and allow to assess them through eight test items that include “Object movement” and “Self-movement”.

The aim is to register the basic motor competencies of Chilean schoolchildren and to identify how they are related to the motivation and attitudes towards physical activity out of school. Therefore, academics of the University of Potsdam (Germany) and University of Basel (Switzerland) came to the Universidad de La Frontera for the “Conference on Pedagogic Socialization of Basic Motor Competencies in Physical Education class” and to validate the MOBAK-testing instruments in Chile.

In this context, Dr. Jaime Cárcamo, an UFRO academic, commented that “considering that the development of basic motor competencies is one of the main objectives in PE class, it is important to know the impact the class has in schoolchildren, in order to determine if the objectives of the curricular bases are met and also to get to know their impact on the development of habits for an active lifestyle.”

“In this context, this Fondecyt project seeks to evaluate the motor competencies in schoolchildren in 5th grade and their relation to physical activity outside of school, as well as psychosocial aspects such as the children’s attitudes and motivation. This is why we decided to use the MOBAK-testing instrument, because it is a validated instrument to assess basic motor competencies in children which is used in Europe to determine the impact of PE classes”, the Dr. Jaime Cárcamo pointed out.


This conference was held within the framework of the Fondecyt (Chilean National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development) Project No. 11170525, “Basic motor competencies as part of the PE curriculum and the relation to motivation, enjoyment, attitudes and out-of-school physical activity in schoolchildren of the Chilean Araukanía Region”, and included presentations by the European academics Dr. Erin Gerlach (University of Potsdam) and Dr. Christian Herrmann (University of Basel), about the measurement, importance and evaluation of basic motor competencies. These topics were embedded in one large presentation which was held in German with consecutive interpretation into Spanish.

“Thanks to the visit of these academics, we were able to train PE teachers and university students who are part of the team of this Fondecyt project. The application of the MOBAK-5 testing instrument will start in May and has the objective to apply the tests in Chilean schoolchildren and to determine their level of motor competencies, which they need in different situations of their in-PE-class and out-of-school activities”, Dr. Jaime Cárcamo concluded.

The conference took place at the Universidad de La Frontera, in the Auditorium “Selva Saavedra”, and was sponsored by the Chilean National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (Fondecyt Project No. 11170525) and the Universidad de La Frontera thorugh the Department of Physical Education, Sport and Recreation and the Outreach and Community Engagement Division (Extension Project EXS18-0028).

Third-party funded MOBAK-project at the “Universidad de la Frontera Temuco” (Chile) – Validation of MOBAK test instruments in Chile

Dr. Jaime Carcamo-Oyarzun from the Universidad de la Frontera Temuco (Chile) was able to obtain a third-party funded project at the national commission for research in Chile (Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica [CONICYT]) with the support of Dr. Christian Herrmann (University of Basel, Switzerland) and Prof. Dr. Erin Gerlach (University of Potsdam, Germany). The project is called “The relation between basic motor competencies in Chilean students and their motivation, attitudes and physical activity.”

The goal of the project is to assess basic motor competencies in Chilean students and to show their relation with motivation, attitude towards physical education and physical activity in extra-curricular sports. Therefore, MOBAK test instruments are validated in Chile prior to the assessment.

After the visit of Dr. Jaime Carcamo-Oyarzun at the University of Basel from the 13th – 21st of March 2018, Dr. Christian Herrmann and Prof. Dr. Erin Gerlach will travel to Chile to locally support the training of the project team and to share their expertise about basic motor competencies with Chilean physical education teachers. More mutual visits within the project are planned for 2019.

Based on this, a further cooperation between the University of Basel and the Universidad de la Frontera Temuco is planned to establish a systematic exchange in research and teaching.

from the left: Dr. Christian Herrmann (DSBG, University of Basel), Dr. Jaime Carcamo-Oyarzun (Universidad de la Frontera, Chile), Erich Thaler (International Relations, University of Basel) and Prof. Dr. Uwe Pühse (DSBG, University of Basel)
