Third and last Transnational Project Meeting of the BMC-EU-project

The last of the three transnational project meetings of the BMC-EU-project took place from September 10th to 11th in of Verona, Italy. Apart from the presentation of the first results and analyses of the assessed data and the teacher training concept and toolkit, publication strategies and dissemination activities were discussed. Thanks to everyone for taking part in the meeting and in the project itself!

Directly after the workshop, many participants relocated to the “Healthy and active children meeting” (organized by I-MDRC & CIAPSE), which also started on this day in Verona. There, a symposium about Basic Motor Competencies in Europe was held by the project initiators of the Universities of Potsdam (Germany), Luxemburg and Basel (Switzerland).

BMC-EU: 2. Transnational Project Meeting in Luxembourg

From April 10th-12th 2019, the second transnational project meeting of the BMC-EU project was held at the University of Luxembourg. Apart from the presentation of the first results of the data assessments, much theoretical and practical work was done for preparing a teacher training kit to support teachers in promoting basic motor competencies in their classes. Thanks to everyone for their participation and input to the project!

BMC-EU: First meeting

The first transnational project meeting of the BMC-EU project successfully took place from the 14. – 16. March 2018 at the University of Basel in Switzerland. 20 project partners of the 14 partner universities and institutes came together for a fruitful exchange and discussion of project assignments, data collection and processing as well as collecting practical experience in the MOBAK-test items.
