Christian Herrmann completes his habilitation about basic motor competencies (MOBAK).

With his presentation about “The quality of physical education – dimensions and evaluation “, Christian Herrmann succesfully completed his habilitation on the 18th of July 2018. It occured in cooperation with the Department of Sports, Exercise and Health of the University of Basel and the Human Scientific Faculty of the University of Potsdam. The accumulative habilitation thesis was named «Basic Motor Competencies: Construct, Assessment and Current state of Research». Due to the thematic width Christian Herrmann was awarded the Venia Legendi in whole sports sciences. The picture shows Prof. Erin Gerlach, Christian Herrmann and Prof. Uwe Pühse after the presentation.

With the following link the synopsis of his habilitation (in german) can be downloaded: Motorische Basiskompetenzen – Konstrukt, Erfassung und Forschungsstand (Manteltext)
